Start by going to the jaxtr Web site and clicking the "sign up free!" button. Enter your name, screen name, password, email address and age, and click the "Terms of Service" link. If everything looks good to you, click the "Signup" button to add friends either from the email account you entered or from other accounts. You can also immediately invite your friends to call you for free, or skip that step for now. The emailed invitation sends them a link to your jaxtr home page, which will be Your home page displays a "call me" button, as well as "text me" and other buttons.
I just want to inform everyone to a new web site called VoIP Spear ( to measure your QoS. It's the Internet's best and most accessible QoS testing service. It utilizes packet loss, latency, and jitter to calculate a MOS score between 1 (very poor quality) and 5 (excellent quality) for your Internet connection. VoIP Spear runs 24x7x365 so you can always have an idea of what your VoIP QoS is.
VoIP Spear shows your QoS in easy-to-read charts. You can also have it send you email alerts when your quality drops too low.
VoIP Spear ( is free for personal use.