FREE PC TO LAND LINE AND MOBILE PHONE CALLS is about free international call.You can find the way of free calling from PC to mobiles and landlines using VOIP.We share our Ideas of different ways of free calling from PC to phones.It will be more helpfull for you for calling abroad and local too.


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Truphone launches a new product that transports calls between handset and gateway over the local cellular voice network. The new service, called Truphone Anywhere, requires downloading Truphone software to your handset.By doing this, it transport the calls between handset and gateway over the local cellular voice network.

It currently works on a number of Nokia E- and N-series devices. Once installed, the software recognizes when you're dialing an international number, and asks if you want to use Truphone Anywhere. (You can turn off the query and make the choice automatic if you wish.) If you decide to use it, the software instructs the handset to dial a local Truphone gateway. From there, the call travels over the Truphone VoIP network to the international destination. Truphone refers to this method as "call through."

On the other hand, there is an alternative method called callback. When you dial, the software doesn't route the call to a local gateway. Instead, it sends a text message to a Truphone server in the U.K. or U.S. The server sets up a call from a gateway close to your handset. It then sets up a call from a similar gateway to the number you're trying to reach, and connects the two calls via cheap VoIP circuits. The callback method works best when dialing even a local number can be expensive, such as when you're traveling overseas or using a pay-as-you-go plan at home.

One interesting thing is that the callback and call-through methods can both reduce the cost of international calls by a factor of 10 or more. Unsurprisingly, a variety of other companies besides Truphone are using similar if not identical approaches to accomplish the same thing.

Truphone's move reinforces the likelihood that transporting international VoIP calls locally over cellular voice networks will prove the most popular and practical approach for some time to come. Using cellular data networks alone to carry calls can get particularly complicated. For one thing, it requires uniform high-speed coverage, usually 3G, to work consistently. Carriers may also object to this usage, or even try to block calls.

When the calls use the local voice network, by contrast, the carriers will at least get paid for cellular minutes. And when the alternative is no compensation when calls go through wifi hotspots, it will hard for them to object to services like Truphone's new offering.


  1. Abulqualam // April 12, 2013 at 11:27 PM  

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    VoIP Spear shows your QoS in easy-to-read charts. You can also have it send you email alerts when your quality drops too low.

    VoIP Spear ( is free for personal use.