FREE PC TO LAND LINE AND MOBILE PHONE CALLS is about free international call.You can find the way of free calling from PC to mobiles and landlines using VOIP.We share our Ideas of different ways of free calling from PC to phones.It will be more helpfull for you for calling abroad and local too.


It is not easy to make free international calls.Though some companies we suggest

are offering free trial calls.
Using this you can make free trial calls. Then if you need to talk more time.You have to pay them. Go thorough the site for more intresting offers ..

For once I feel what could be the only advantage of proprietary nature of the skype technology. Three days ago my internet provider for reasons best known to them decided to implement a system to block all voip applications in order to reduce traffic. I noticed it almost immediately because all the voip applications on my system except skype stopped working. As you can imagine I have lots of them on my system and I used them as frequently as I can so that I can write about them for the benefit of my readers. At the moment I have voipbuster, voipcheap, voipstunt, FWD, dialpad, gizmo, yahoo, iPhone, sipdiscount, Google Talk and skype installed on my system. All of them except skype could not connect to the server, they were all blocked. I then realised that most of the applications are based on the SIP protocol which is an open protocol therefore easy to block if you so wish but skype on the other hand is based on a proprietary technology which is kept secret and since they don’t know how skype operates its difficult to block it or simply that the skype technology is more powerful and could break through whatever firewall they have implemented. Though I have resolved the problems now and all the applications are working fine, this incident makes me feel maybe its nice to keep some things secret.