1. Lets you make internet phone calls free direct PC to PC, or PC to phone via a VoIP SIP gateway provider. More information on VoIP here
2. Supports up to 4 lines on the one phone with the ability to put calls on hold.
3. Works with a headset or in speakerphone mode with just a standard microphone and set of speakers.
4. Includes data compression (GSM, uLaw, ALaw and PCM), echo cancellation, noise reduction comfort noise and more.
5. Uses the standard SIP protocol so it can link to a broad range of telephone gateways, SIP system or other internet phone software.
6. Also works with the VoIP Virtual PBx - just by installing that software you can create a LAN based PBx for offices or call centers.
7. Can be configured to work behind NATs and Firewalls.
8. Supports caller ID display and logging.
9. Includes a phone book with quick dial.
10. Supports call transfer.
11. Lets you record your phone calls to wav or used in conjunction with the VRS Call Recording Software, will save to MP3, wav and more.
12. Plays on-hold music to callers on hold. Can also link to the IMS On-Hold Messages Player Software to create professional mixes of music and messages on the fly.
I have configured all major voip clients that i use on express talk and they worked
perfectly. In future posts i will give the express talk configuration settings for voipbuster, voipstunt, voipcheap and others. Express Talk can be downloaded for free.
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