FREE PC TO LAND LINE AND MOBILE PHONE CALLS is about free international call.You can find the way of free calling from PC to mobiles and landlines using VOIP.We share our Ideas of different ways of free calling from PC to phones.It will be more helpfull for you for calling abroad and local too.


It is not easy to make free international calls.Though some companies we suggest

are offering free trial calls.
Using this you can make free trial calls. Then if you need to talk more time.You have to pay them. Go thorough the site for more intresting offers ..

Good old days of making free voip international calls to India are over. We hardly find any VOIP Provider offering this service anymore. However we are always on the lookout for cheap voip providers to india.

Today we are going to compare voip providers who offer cheap international voip calls to India.

1) CallEasy: CallEasy is a part of Betamax services. Calleasy currently offers calls to india at 2 cents per minute which is the lowest in the market.

2)WebCallDirect: They are also a part of betamax VOIP services. Offering 2 cents per minute to India.

3)Intervoip: Intervoip started off with 1.5 cents and was the cheapest call provider for India. However they increased their rates almost immediately and now for landline calls they offer 2.5 cents and for mobile, its 2 cents per minute.

4)VOIP Raider: VoipRaider also offers cheap calls to India at around 2.5 per minute for landline calls. VoipRaider was a big hit when they were offering free calls to south africa.

There are more cheap VOIP Providers (mostly betamax services) who offer international voip calls to India in the range of 3-6 cents per minute. However currently CallEasy and WebCalldirect seem like the best offers available.

Let us know if you are aware of a provider offering anything less than 2 cents per minute to India.