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Skype For Sale?

Posted by Vishnu | 5:11 AM | , | 0 comments »

What’s in store for the future of Skype?

Word has it, it could have a four-letter future: S-A-L-E.

The Financial Times reported this week that eBay might be considering a sell off of its VoIP business.

Here’s a snippet:

While the acquisition of Skype has widely come to be seen as a blunder for Ebay, the phone service itself has continued to grow fast, adding another 33m registered users in the first three months of this year to reach 309m. Although most use it for free internet phone calls, the addition of extra paid services helped Skype to increase its revenues to $126m in the first three months of this year, up 61 per cent from the year before.

“What we know is, Skype is a great stand-alone business,” Ebay’s CEO said. Its revenues this year are set to top $500m and the service will be profitable, he added.
