FREE PC TO LAND LINE AND MOBILE PHONE CALLS is about free international call.You can find the way of free calling from PC to mobiles and landlines using VOIP.We share our Ideas of different ways of free calling from PC to phones.It will be more helpfull for you for calling abroad and local too.


It is not easy to make free international calls.Though some companies we suggest

are offering free trial calls.
Using this you can make free trial calls. Then if you need to talk more time.You have to pay them. Go thorough the site for more intresting offers ..

You all are aware of a new blog service called ibibo, its very similar to blogger. ibibo has started a free service through which registered members can call each other for free. Looks very similar to Jaxtr

They are currently offering 10 mins free call to other registered users with maximum 2mins for one call; that makes up to maximum of 5 calls monthly, free!! (Don't get upset by this figure, we'll come up with a hack at the end!! :-)

To get free calls do the following

1) First you have to register at ibibo.
2) Register your mobile number in the Call for Free Service.
3) Invite friends to join cafe.ibibo. Ask them to do the same.
4) When you want to call a friend goto his/her Cafe profile and click the "Call Me Free" button. If he/she has enabled receiving calls then your calls will get connected. Ibibo will call your mobile first and then your friend gets a ring. Talk for 2 mins free!!
5) When your free 10mins are over you have to wait for 1month to get that recharged.But don't worry, Ibibo is trying to increase the call time at the earliest.
6) You may delink your no here, and register it to another account. Ibibo allows this. This way you get 10 more min of Free Calling.